Monday, March 18, 2013

Life is NOT Fair and Other Things That Piss Me Off

Constantly exposing yourself to popular culture and the mass media will ultimately shape your reality tunnel in ways that are not necessarily conducive to achieving your Soul Purpose and Life Calling. Modern society has generally ‘lost the plot’. Slavishly following its false gods and idols makes no sense in a spiritually aware life.
~Anthon St. Maarten~

Somebody hurt my child the other day and I am NOT a happy camper about it.  Yes, I know that my "child" is a grown man, a husband and father - as is my other 'child'.  Nevertheless, I'm a mama bear and those two grown men are - and will always be - my babies.  When you hurt one of them, you hurt me.  I have never considered myself a vengeful person but I find myself looking forward to Karma for the sub-human being who did this to my son.

My husband and I are extremely proud of the men our sons have become.  We take no credit for how well adjusted and honest they turned out.  Yes, we gave them guidelines and tried to teach them right from wrong but they are the ones who ultimately decided to be the men they are.  THEY are the ones who overlooked the mistakes we made and chose the right path anyway.

Now, don't get me wrong - I don't approve of every single thing they do but they are mine and I love them with a fierceness that I think may make my heart explode one day.  Their dad and I are so proud to be their parents and, by their choice, their friends.  We are indeed blessed parents.

Just as they can fill my heart with love, they can put me in my place at times as well.  Just the other day, my youngest son was telling me that he's planning to get another tattoo.  Now, he knows that I don't like tats and would prefer no one get them.  I'm pretty sure that comes from being a little girl and hearing my grandfather extol his many regrets about having gotten tattoos and when he died, would someone please make sure they were covered.

When my son said he wanted to get a 'sleeve', I asked him why in the world he would do that.  He said it was because he thought they were "cool".  I then said something I will regret to my dying day.  I told him there might be occasions when I would ask him to cover it because there might be places where it was inappropriate or maybe people I'd rather not see it.  He said to me "Mom, do you realize that not only are you being judgemental but you're also telling me you'd be ashamed of me?"  His words cut like a knife and I was humbled.  I have always been proud of myself for not judging people but, seemingly, I was giving myself entirely too much credit.  I immediately apologized and told him that he was absolutely right.  I will never again mention my dislike of tattoos and I will try to never judge anyone who has them.

Saturday night, my husband and I were at the home of some friends for a small dinner party when the conversation turned to children.  I made the comment that I thought what was wrong with people today started with the drug-crazed hippies of the 60's and into the 70's.  They didn't teach their children to respect rules, rather they taught them to express themselves freely without regard for rules.  Oh, their concept, I believe was a good one - peace, harmony and living and letting live - but without some structure, it didn't work,  Authority was something to fight against, patriotism was a joke and God was dead..  The music echoed the beliefs and opinions of the times and became the mantra for a growing generation.

The hippies talked a good talk but they didn't practice what they preached.  As long as you believed as they did, all was well.  If you subscribed to "old-fashioned" ideals then you were part of the problem.  They preached tolerance and demanded acceptance for their lifestyles and opinions but did NOT offer the same in return - much like the liberals of today.

The children of those hippies grew up and had children of their own.  Not having known structure, they couldn't teach it.  Their idea was to fill their children with a sense of entitlement - not just of material things but also for their precious little feelings.  Is it any wonder that those children grew up to be the "me generation" of the 80's?  The hippies apparently didn't know (or didn't care) that giving a child structure, rules to live by and consequences for actions was and still is the best way to raise a child with a strong sense of self.  Clearly, they did not teach compassion for another person unless, of course, the person was part of their inner circle.

Then the "Me Generation" began to have children and guess what happened?  They became parents to children they didn't know how to raise.  So they didn't raise them.  A generation of 'latch-key' children was born and television became everyone's babysitter. Do you see how things get progressively worse from generation to generation?

And please don't get me started about the absence of God in family life anymore.... too late!  When Madalyn Murray O'Hair decided that she was offended when religious values were taught in schools, everyone should be offended.  Seriously???  We used to do three things in school every morning - we said the Pledge of Allegiance, we sang patriotic songs and we recited the Lord's Prayer.  I don't recall anyone being offended - not even, I suspect - Madalyn's children.  I'm sure she's paying for her sins now but, of course, I believe in God.

One last thing: I have been watching "The Bible" on the History channel every week and even it is pissing me off right now.  Don't get me wrong - I'm thoroughly enjoying the series but I think it's misnamed.  It should be called "Bible Stories" because that's what it is.  I was looking forward to the stories of Noah, Job, Malachi, Ruth and Naomi, Jacob and Esau, the Prodigal Son and others but they have all been omitted.  Granted, it began with Noah but his story was not told.  I'm still going to watch, though.  We're in the New Testament now and I'm looking forward to how they portray Revelations.

Okay, I think I've gotten it all out of my system now.  If not, I'm sure you'll all know it when I do my next blog.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Witnessing Miracles

Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face.
~Ronald Reagan~

Last night, I watched the first of 10 installments of The Bible on the History channel.  I have to say, I was totally engrossed.  I learned some things - as I expected - but I also had a realization about what it must have been like to have lived in Biblical times.

That realization struck me as Moses was leading the Israelites out of Egypt and had to cross the Red Sea.  Can you just imagine what it must have been like to  have stood there and watched as the sea opened a path for the Israelites to cross?  We just don't hear about miracles of that calibre in today's world - though I do believe miracles happen every day.

And there's the 'Voice of God' many of the people in the Old Testament heard.  How many of us today hear the voice of God? Oh, I believe He talks to us but not in the same way He spoke to Abraham, Moses, Noah and many others.  I think miracles today, though no less miraculous, are more subtle.

Times were hard in Biblical times but I think I would have endured a little of that to have been witness to one or two of the kinds of miracles God performed.  It would seem to me that witnessing some of those miracles would serve to cement one's faith as well as remove any doubt about the existence of God.  Perhaps some of our scientists would have been well served to have lived in those times.  Just sayin'...

Last night's episode ended with Joshua at Jericho.  Though I know what happens, I'm anxious to see how it's portrayed in the series.  For those of you who always said you didn't read the book because you were waiting for the movie - now's your chance.  I highly recommend it.