Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Not Keeping it Classy

You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely.
~Ogden Nash~

I have to say, I really didn't want to get back into this but when I logged on to Facebook this morning, my newsfeed was overflowing with more of this and posts intended to make fun of and degrade these women. I had my fill, so here I go...

I was in DC for the inaugurations of President Trump.  That was my ONLY reason for going.  However, while there, I got to witness firsthand the asinine immaturity of a small representation of American women.  I was appalled, ashamed and embarrassed.  The vulgarity of both their displays and their words were offensive.  I was shocked at how much they didn't seem to mind that there were small children in their midst.  I have to wonder if those children had drawn such pictures or used such language, how quickly - or even IF - they would have been taken to task.

As they littered their march with claims of being a "nasty woman", I asked myself if they really thought anyone would take them seriously.  I've heard much mocking of these women in the days since I've been home and am so glad I was not, am not and would never be a part of those women.  You will never hear me claim to be a "nasty woman"; rather, I will be a CLASSY WOMAN.

I'm tired of hearing the argument that tampons and pads are taxed while Rogaine and Viagra are not.  First of all, Viagra is a prescription drug and ALL prescription drugs in the US are tax exempt.  Secondly, Rogaine is a treatment for both men and women so that's an invalid comparison.  As for tampons and pads, please tell me what men use that can compare.  I can think of nothing.

And then there were the ones wearing replicas of uteruses on their heads (did I mention how immature some of these women were?) and carrying signs that read "my uterus, my business".  I'm not sure what exactly this protest was but my best guess is they were pro-choice advocates.

It should be noted that there were many men in this march as well.  Some of them were wearing the same ridiculous outfits and carrying the same obscene signs as the women.  I was watching them and watching the little girls in the march and wondering how they could, in good conscience, expose these little women-in-the making to the disrespect that these women have brought upon themselves.

And don't get me started on Madonna and Ashley Judd!  I can promise you, they DO NOT represent me or any of my women friends.  If I were raising a daughter today, they and their "ilk" are the LAST women I would want for role models.  No one will ever convince me that these women have respect for themselves (or others) when they act as they do.

I assume this march was supposed to be in protest of Donald Trump.  I don't buy it.  Why wait until the day after he's inaugurated to protest?  The time for such events has long passed.  Nothing is going to change now.  Protest until the cows come home if you want.  Donald Trump will still be president and HE isn't going to take you seriously either.

Just one classy woman's opinion...