The Roots of Violence: Wealth without work, Pleasure without conscience, Knowledge without character, Commerce without morality, Science without humanity, Worship without sacrifice, Politics without principles.
~Mahatma Gandhi ~
~Mahatma Gandhi ~
I'm so sick to death of all this talk about gun violence and the need for gun control. I don't understand why so many people just don't get it. Just because someone owns a gun does NOT mean they are going to use it to kill someone any more than someone eating bacon will have a heart attack and die. Stupid comparison? Yeah, well, it's a stupid subject. Why don't people understand that the problem is not HOW people kill people but the fact that they DO kill people and seemingly, have no conscience about it. I'm not even going to address the fact that criminals will have guns no matter what laws are in effect.
Have you noticed that when the anti-gun faction began spouting their reasons for supporting gun control, they almost always talk about mass shootings? Why do they continually ignore the other means by which mass killings occurred? Bombs and fires have been used time and again. Now we have a new weapon of mass violence - pressure cookers. This should be an example to those who oppose guns that if someone wants to kill, they'll find a way to do it. After the devastation of 9/11, we had to deal with letters contaminated with anthrax being sent to our elected officials in Washington.
There is no denying that there are people in this world who will always use guns to kill other people. I get it - guns are convenient but so are knives and matches. Again, why are we more concerned with the how rather than the why? At what point are we, as a society, going to roll up our sleeves and work on the real problem?
Dr John Johnson, expert on violence in America and professor at the University of Arizona, said "Guns, in and of themselves, cannot be considered a contributing factor regarding violence within the United States." In his lecture about violence, he said that serial killers are the most feared killers in America. He also stated that the majority of them do not use guns. I don't have anything to document that but it seems to me I can't recall many serial killers who used guns.
It would seem to me that gun control advocates are only interested in preventing mass shootings even though they talk about saving just one life. My guess about that is that the 'one life' they talk about saving are the times someone in a family goes bonkers and kills family members. Yeah, that happens but, again, it's also happened with knives. I remember reading something awhile back about a man who wanted to kill himself but didn't want his family burdened with his suicide so he killed them as well. He used carbon monoxide poisoning to do the deed.
When are the people of this country going to wake up and address the real problem - man's inhumanity against man? If we can't understand that that's the real problem then there's no reason to expect that things will ever get better.