Thursday, September 15, 2016

Rights, Actions and Consequences

You can't blame anyone else ... no one but yourself. You have to make your own choices and live every agonizing day with the consequences of those choices.
~Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War~

All of this hoopla surrounding standing or not standing for our national anthem has really been uppermost in my mind of late.  I find it most offensive when someone who is supposed to be a role model for our children chooses to protest by showing disrespect for something that means so much to so many.

It's true that said person (and many who have followed his lead) has the Constitutional right to protest.  It's also true that no one has to agree with or condone his actions.  There is absolutely a difference between having a right to do something and doing the right thing.

What I think he may not have considered when he started this protest is that his actions have consequences.  Not only has he been booed in public, his football jerseys have been burned and he lost some endorsements, his chosen method to protest has shifted the focus from the reason for his protest to a seemingly lack of patriotism and a figurative slap in the face to every man and woman who has fought for the liberties he takes for granted.

His "cause", I think, has some merit and does need some attention.   Showing respect to our flag, our anthem, our military and our country - all of which were disrespected, in my opinion - is not the way to further awareness about or cause action to change something.  As I said before, the reason for the protest has been lost.  You don't believe me?  Start asking everyone you see what they think this man was protesting.  No cheating by googling or researching or asking others.  Some will know, many will not.

Just my two cents...

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