Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Strange Bedfellows

A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.
~Thomas Jefferson~

I was challenged by a dear friend to do my own research on Donald Trump’s alleged sex crimes.  I accepted the challenge but took it one step farther.  In order to be fair and to make a better informed decision, I decided to research the Clintons as well.

Donald Trump has been accused of rape, attempted rape, inappropriate touching, groping, sexual misconduct and lewd comments concerning women.

Bill Clinton has been accused of rape, sexual misconduct, groping, exposing himself and sexual harassment.  It’s a fact that he has lied about his sexual exploits at least once.

Hillary Clinton has defended at least one man accused of raping a minor and has been accused of threatening that young girl as well several women who have made accusations against her husband.

Now, my first thought when all of this began was “Why bring Bill Clinton into this?  He’s not running for president”.  I have since decided that it’s not a bad idea.  After all, Bill was a president who had these accusations leveled at him both before and during his presidency.  This certainly gives us an indication of whether a person can be sexually immoral and still be an effective president.

I do find myself wondering how Hillary can call herself an advocate for women when she clearly has a double standard in her reactions to the women who accused Bill and Donald.  How can she condemn those who accused her husband while speaking in favor of those who accused her opponent?  I find myself thinking – no, BELIEVING – that the only woman Hillary cares about is Hillary.  Maybe she cares about her daughter.  Certainly I feel no kinship with her at all.

Somehow, all of the main issues have been lost in the midst all of these accusations.  I have to wonder if that was deliberate.  Does anyone remember where either candidate stands on any particular issue?  Who will do more to keep us safe?  Who will do more to get our economy moving again?  Who will choose the best person for the Supreme Court?  Those are some of the things on which I will base my decision – not who has the least amount of immorality.

As always… just my two cents.

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