Tuesday, December 4, 2012

To Control or Not Control - And What Should Be Controlled?

Laws control the lesser man... Right conduct controls the greater one.
~Mark Twain~

So everyone is in an uproar over the comments made by Bob Costas regarding the murder-suicide committed by Jovan Belcher of the Kansas City Chiefs NFL franchise.  Costas said "If Jovan Belcher didn’t possess a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today."  I have to agree that if Belcher didn't have a gun neither he nor Kasandra would have been shot but to say they'd both be alive today?  I wouldn't go that far.  I'm sure you've all heard the saying 'where there's a will, there's a way'.

I find it somewhat unsettling that so many are up in arms about guns when what they SHOULD be concerned about is WHY some individuals are so willing to take another human life.  What is wrong with our society that such a heinous act should be held as an example for why there should be yet more government control in our private lives.  Isn't it ironic that news reports of crimes (particularly murder) involving guns very quickly turn from the act itself to what was used to commit the act?

It's very clear to me that Jovan had some emotional issues or he wouldn't have done something so awful.  Why is THAT not the focus?   Wouldn't it make sense to try to learn why some people are willing to kill another human being instead of  how they choose to do it?  We can take guns away from people all day long but until we address the real issue - why they do it, not how - it's not going to stop the killing.

There are so many ways that people are killed - stabbings, strangling, drunk drivers, overdoses on drugs, beatings - it's a long list.  Why in the world do gun control advocates think that taking guns away from people will stop the madness?  And don't let them tell you it's just about registering guns.  There were several guns in Jovan's home and they were all registered according to news reports I've read.  Bob Costas' meaning was clear when he said "if he didn't possess a gun".

There is something inherently wrong in this great country when so many in our society grow up with such a low regard for human life.  When will we try to control that instead of guns?

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