The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.
~Albert Einstein~
~Albert Einstein~
What an appropriate day for my offense to rear its ugly head. It's no secret that I am NOT a supporter of President Obama but I'm really offended by some of the lengths some people and groups go in order to belittle him and his policies.
Some of the so-called "jokes" about him and his presidency that are out there are funny but others, in my opinion, cross the line. Today, I saw what was supposed to be a funny cartoon. It showed Obama in front of a crematorium oven saying "Trust me, it's really an MRI machine". I found nothing funny about that. The same applies to the one I saw that had him smiling, a bunch of long screws surrounding him with a caption that read "Free Obamacare Suppositories".
Maybe it's because it's President's Day and I have a deep respect for the office that I found those 'jokes' especially offensive. Don't get me wrong - I didn't vote for Obama either time he ran nor do I support his policies. Personally, I can't stand the man. I think he's a liar and a hypocrite who's only out for himself and his family.
The office of President of the United States deserves our respect even if the person who holds that title does not. I believe it's true that Obama has done nothing to bring respect to the office he holds and he probably never will. In fact, I believe he has done more to disrespect the office than any amount of offensive jokes I've seen. In my opinion, it will take us years to undo the damage he has done - not just in his policies but also in how the rest of world sees us.
There is a world of difference in how the office of POTUS began with George Washington and what it has become with Barack Obama. It's hardly recognizable as the same office. I understand the country has become much bigger and the issues more complicated but common decency and a sense of pride, until this presidency, has always been part of the office.
There have been many scandals involving our presidents through the years. Who can forget Watergate or the "I never had sexual relations with that woman" debacle? Both of those examples brought some disgrace to the men but very little disrespect to the office. I don't believe that's true with our current president.
As much I would love to, I can't place all the blame for the current level of disrespect shown to the office of President on Obama. Those who create and perpetuate such 'jokes' as I mentioned do nothing to add respect to the office. In fact, they are part of the problem.
It's true what they say. If you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem. The group that posted those jokes on facebook has been deleted from my facebook account. I will no longer participate in "Obama bashing" nor will I condone it. That's not to say that I won't offer my opinion or share whatever I feel needs to be shared. I just won't be perpetuating offensive jokes.
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