Monday, January 4, 2016

Same and Equal are Neither

The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.

It amazes me the things that go through my mind as I take my daily walk (which, I admit, I've been quite lax about during the holidays but I'm back on track now).  This morning, the air was crisp and invigorating.  I was looking up at the trees (which weren't really trees, rather they were naked branches reaching Heavenward) and the sky (which was a contrast in blue and gray with a few while fluffy clouds).  I thanked God for another day filled with His beauty.

What struck me is that the trees that weren't trees and the multi-colored sky were equally beautiful but they weren't the same at all.  I thought of all the issues about inequality during 2015 and decided I have had enough of it.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a die-hard Bible believer.  The Bible says that God made man in His own image. Nowhere have I ever seen it written that God also made woman in His own image.  No, He made woman from the rib of man.  Physiologically, psychologically, perceptually, emotionally, man and woman are not the same but does that mean man and woman are not equal?  Not in my opinion.

The biggest inequality issue during 2015, in my opinion, was racism.  Things have gotten so out of hand that many people are afraid to offer an honest opinion for fear of being labeled.  Morgan Freeman once answered the question: "how do you stop racism?" with the best answer I've ever heard.  "Stop talking about it" he said.  Wow - how simple can you get?   When you stop talking about something, it doesn't just go away but it DOES take it out of the limelight and offers a chance to think about what the real issues are.  Eventually, the issue will become an almost forgotten argument that only rears its ugly head as a passing thought.  Another plus when you quit talking about it is that you are not passing it along to future generations.  Can you imagine a world in which the only knowledge of racism is what one reads in books?

Much of the world has become fearful of Muslims.  I've seen arguments that Islam is a peaceful religion and arguments that it's not.  Personally, I have no idea and frankly, I don't care what they believe.  I do know that the people who practice Islam are human beings and have a right to worship whomever and however they choose.  Having said that, it's kind of hard to be non-discriminatory against a group that has earned their reputation.  People have become leery of the troublemakers in the group and, sadly, those who are not causing trouble suffer for it.

It doesn't just stop at gender, race or religion.  People from other countries or people with disabilities can and do experience inequality.  Do you know what I think would REALLY go far in doing away with this sense of inequality that so many feel?  Respect.  If people would just respect other people regardless of their differences, how much more amazing would this world be?

As I said earlier, God made man in His own image.  He didn't say the man was black, white, red or brown.  The man definitely wasn't Muslim, Christian or Jew.  Every person ever born is not the same but we are ALL equal.  Think about that.

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